Get Best 795 MCM Drake ACSR Conductor Quotation

795 drake acsr conductor price in africa

795 acsr conductor represents a standard. It belongs to ACSR-ASTM-B232. ACSR 795 mcm contains six code names. They are: 795 mcm term, 795 mcm condor, 795mcm cuckoo, 795mcm drake, 795mcm coot and 795mcm mallard.  However, even these 795 mcm acsr conductor size are different, they have the same aluminum area. Their aluminum area is 402.84 mm2. Here are some acsr 795 mcm aluminum conductor steel reinforced sizes. If you want to buy, we can send you 795 acsr conductor price list.

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795 MCM ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinfored Specification

Code name  TernCondorCuckooDrakeCootMallard
AreaAluminumAWG or MCM795795795795795795
mm 2402.84402.84402.84402.84402.84402.84
Steelmm 227.8752.1952.1965.5111.1691.87
Totalmm 2430.71455.03455.03468.45414484.71
Stranding and diameterAluminummm45/3.3854/3.0824/4.6226/4.4436/3.7730/4.14
Approximate overall diametermm27.0327.7227.7428.1126.4128.96
Linear massAluminumkg/km111611161116111611101119
Rated tensile strengthdaN9737124451239413992748517118
Maximum D.C. Resistance at 20 ℃ Ω/km0.071910.079110.071910.071910.071560.07208
Cuttent RatingA610614614614614618


As you can see, the structure of these 795 acsr conductors are simple.  So, if you buy bare acsr conductor, it is easy to install.  What size of acsr 795 mcm conductor do you need? Because we have acsr 795 mcm tern 45/7 conductor, 795mcm 54/7 condor conductor and acsr 795 mcm 24/7 cuckoo conductor. What’s more, 795 mcm 26/7 drake acsr conductor is very popular. Every year, we supply large quantity 795 acsr drake conductor for many customers. In addition to 795mcm acsr conductor, we can also supply 477 mcm hawk acsr aluminum conductor steel reinforced wire. So, if you want to know how much 795mcm 26/7 drake acsr conductor price per meter, just leave your message. Get the 795 acsr drake 26/7 aluminum conductor steel reinforced quotation by email:

Select professional 795 acsr drake 26/7 conductor supplier

Huadong Cable Group is one of the biggest 795 acsr drake conductor manufacturers. Our 795mcm 26/7 acsr conductor factory is located in Henan province.  Meanwhile, we have 30 production experience. So we can provide you high-quality 795mcm acsr drake conductor with low price. In fact, we supply 795 mcm drake bare conductor and 336.4 mcm acsr wire to many countries. So, if you want to get 795mcm acsr 26/7 drake conductor price for England, France, Croatia, Ameirica, Canada, Australia, Nigeria, South Africa, Mozambique, Togo, Yemen, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand or Vietnam, just contact us.

how much is 795 acsr drake price per meter in Philippines

what’s more, if you compare acsr 795mcm drake conductor prices in Mozambique and Philippines, you will find they are not the same. Because the material and delivery cost of acsr 795 mcm 26/7 conductor are different. We promise to supply best quotation for acsr 26/7 drake 795mcm conductor for every customer.  Get the address now:

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